Geothermal Heat Pumps are a relatively new offering, but are based on time-tested technology. A Geothermal system moves heat from the ground and into your home. This technology can heat and cool your house for much less cost than a traditional system.

Zoned In technicians have many years of experience installing and maintaining Geothermal systems. Give us a call if you have any questions or would like a free inspection and consultation.

Geothermal Heat Pumps are a relatively new offering, but are based on time-tested technology. A Geothermal system moves heat from the ground and into your home. This technology can heat and cool your house for much less cost than a traditional system.

Zoned In technicians have many years of experience installing and maintaining Geothermal systems. Give us a call if you have any questions or would like a free inspection and consultation.

Here at Zoned In, we know Geothermal. Our team has one of the top Geothermal service technicians in the state. We can make you love your geothermal again. We specialize in the diagnostics and the solutions needed to solve your geothermal issues. Where other service techs will lead you to believe your issues can’t be fixed and try to sell you a completely new system. We comb through and inspect every aspect of your geothermal system. We will check water quality, air flow, controls, motors, capacitors, coils, refrigerant, wire condition and electrical connections. As well as switching mechanisms’, breakers/fuses, and your entire ductwork system. Our technicians will also complete life and warranty history of your geo equipment.

Our lead technician has over 24 years of experience with 6 of those years primarily doing Geo-thermal. He has extensive factory training, an eye toward the smallest detail and will have multiple solutions for your specific problem. So, if you are tired of being uncomfortable in your own home or have any of these common complaints.

  • Outrageous utility bills
  • Unevenness of temperature
  • Trouble controlling humidity
  • Excessive dust
  • Frequent Breakdowns
  • Excessively noisy
  • Mold or Mildew*
  • Dark stains on ceiling vents.

If your house checks any of these boxes? We are here to tell you it doesn’t have to be that way! We offer every customer multiple tailored solutions for all of their problems. If you're ready for premium service, orientated solutions for all your ACs needs, take the time to fill out one of our customer applications. And when approved we will contact you to schedule a day and time to come out.

All Techs have factory Training as well as State Licensed. They won’t leave an appointment without first offering whole solutions not just band aides. Our engineers who design the systems are experts at their job. To take it further government agency in charge of best practices and code that pertains to HVAC industry{ACCA} says that an overwhelming number of problems can be directly tied to lack of airflow. So, before you decide you want to get rid of the Geo let us take a look and see if we can come up with a solution. When we say, “We can make you love your Geo-Thermal again” we are 100% serious.

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